Spirit of Sebastian.


Day #1

Our names are Javier and Ana Maria, Sebastian’s parents. Although this may seen long , we have tried to summarize a life so loves in a few lines. We hope youu finish to the end.
It is difficult to share something so private, but our hearts tell us as a family that if we manage to get this message people as possible even those who did not know neither Sebastián nor us, it can many save someone from making a  bad decision, that can change their lives and those who surround him/her.

Day #2

Who was Sebastian? He was a calm, chubby, loving baby. He was born on October 23, 2001.Although he was shy and quiet, he was great at making friends. He loved the Power Rangers and when he saw them, he started kicking whoever got in his way. His favorite movies were The Lion King and Finding Nemo.
The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day. But the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.

Day #3

He played soccer since he was four years old, and he loved to sing, especially “Go shorty, it’s your birthday”.
 He loved dogs, Nico and Boo were his adoration. He was super playful, mischievous, and funny. He loved to scare us all…
When he was little, he began to face losses in his life, like his little sister Valeria when he was only five years old. Also, the death of his grandfather, in 2010 when he was ten years old.
His loving heart was always firm with the ruffles of loyalty and sincere love. At such an early age he thought very seriously about love. Due to this he experienced many disappointments.
You’re r only dead when your forgotten.

Day #4

When we see his photos, they show how he always looked happy throughout his life.
What happened to that smile? What happened so that little by little the shine in his eyes changed to an immense pain in his soul from lost battles, frustration, impotence, and self-deception?
What happened? A single minute was enough to make a wrong decision, for this to change the rest of his life until March 21, 2023, the day we lost him.
“In a second one bad decision can change your life and the life of orhers forever

Day #5

The only answer are the consequences of a wrong decision, addiction to drugs: (Percocet/Fentanyl) a trip that he thought he would return from and take control over but ended up taking over him.
And with the greatest pain in our hearts, we share it, because we do not want to turn a blind eye, we believe that we will do more by accepting it and talking about it than by failing to acknowledge. Just by having one person spread the message this can help avoid opening that door, which in most cases can no longer be closed, it will help us feel that his loss and his absence have a meaning and a mission.
“Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts”

Day #6

A significant part of his story for us is precisely his fight against this addiction. Once he became aware of his problem, he wanted to stop. His formal desire for rehabilitation began in January of last year, he called his dad, my husband asking him for help because he felt he could not take it anymore. He was admitted to a rehabilitation center for a month and a half, he left determined to overcome it.
He wanted to do things his way but eventually his will broke. He would not go out anywhere, he hardly shared with his friends, and he stayed at home all the time. After a while we accepted that we could not keep on blaming his friends and had to accept the power an addiction has. The last months of last year were a roller coaster, both for him and for us, he got angry with himself for not being able to beat his problem, he cried like a baby when he relapsed and his greatest pain, was that he made us suffer. He once said “Mom I don’t want you to cry, I don’t want to see you suffer, I’m going to try again and I’m going to make it.
“A great soul
Serves everyone all the time
A great soul never dies
It brings us together
Again and again”

Day #7

At the beginning of January of this year he entered a rehabilitation center again, he came out in mid-February. This time it was different, he was more aware of what he had to do and wanted to do it, which was the most important thing. He did not miss going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings any day, from Monday to Saturday. Three times a week he attended the Beaufort County drug prevention meetings, four hours each day. He kept in daily contact with his counselor at the Rehabilitation Center, he went once a week with his personal counselor and apart from the Counselor of the Beaufort County. He was doing everything that was being asked of him.

Day #8

At the beginning of January of this year he entered a rehabilitation center again, he came out in mid-February. This time it was different, he was more aware of what he had to do and wanted to do it, which was the most important thing. He did not miss going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings any day, from Monday to Saturday. Three times a week he attended the Beaufort County drug prevention meetings, four hours each day. He kept in daily contact with his counselor at the Rehabilitation Center, he went once a week with his personal counselor and apart from the Counselor of the Beaufort County. He was doing everything that was being asked of him.

Day #9

Addiction does not discriminate based on race, religion, the rich suffer, the poor, believers, non-believers, children, grandchildren, nephews, friends, the most imperfect to the most perfect.
We are far from being model parents, but we can feel at ease that he lived in a strong family, with good example of values and knowledge of God in his life. We know we raised a beautiful human being because Sebastian was a humble young man. His unwise decision opened a door that he could no longer close.
He tried to help his friends to get out of their addictions, but he could not help himself. Many of us ask why? He had all the things to be happy, but sadly depression and addiction do not work just for unhappy people.
If you finish reading this story, Sebastián’s story, please share it with your children, nephews, grandchildren, friends so they understand that drugs are an uncontrollable monster. This can help them prevent tragedy. His departure has caused us great pain.
Children and young people sometimes see things simpler than us adults. We asked our daughter, who is twelve years old, what she thought about what had happened with Sebastián and she told us very calmly, now he is finally happy. Here, he only suffered because of drugs, and he is finally free, from the impotence, frustration, and pain that the consequences of just one bad decision caused him. He fought to the end, but he lost the battle here on earth, we have faith that his most important battle was won there: eternal life next to our Heavenly Father.

Day #10

If you finish reading this story, Sebastián’s story, please share it with your children, nephews, grandchildren, friends so they understand that drugs are an uncontrollable monster. This can help them prevent tragedy. His departure has caused us great pain.
We asked our daughter, who is twelve years old, what she thought about what had happened with Sebastián and she told us very calmly, now he is finally happy. Here, he only suffered because of drugs, and he is finally free.
She is right !! Sebastian is free from the impotence, frustration, and pain that the consequences of just one bad decision caused him. He fought to the end, but he lost the battle here on earth, we have faith that his most important battle was won there: eternal life next to our Heavenly Father.